Pet Services

Mobile Vet Clinic

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Round image of a bunny on table in pet services specialty vehicle

TWR designs and builds fully equipped mobile vet clinics that provide comprehensive care for pets directly to your clients’ doorsteps. We create functional and efficient spaces that prioritize the safety and comfort of pets ensuring that veterinarians deliver high-quality services.

Pet Adoption

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Round image of young girl carrying pet carrier in pet services specialty vehicle

Our adoption center designs prioritize the comfort and well-being of animals, creating stress-free environments. We also consider the safety and comfort of potential adopters, fostering spaces for quality time with the pets. Our aim is to help potential adopters form a bond with the pets, making it easier for them to envision life together.

Pet Grooming

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Round image of small dog getting a bath in pet services specialty vehicle

TWR designs state-of-the-art pet grooming facilities that prioritize safety, comfort, and aesthetics. We provide well-equipped grooming stations with customizable options for grooming tools and products. Our expert team pays attention to details like lighting and ventilation to create an efficient and enjoyable grooming environment that can be tailored to your specific needs.


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Contact Us

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Ready to bring your specialty vehicle dreams to life? Get in touch with us today to discuss your project. Our team is excited to hear from you and help turn your vision into reality.