Specialty Vehicles


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Round image of interior of healthcare specialty vehicle

Experience the power of customized solutions for the healthcare industry. TWR designs mobile offices and bloodmobiles that meet your highest standards, ensuring your safety and convenience for both your healthcare professionals and patients.


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Round image of exterior of white specialty vehicle

Take education to new heights with custom-designed classrooms, libraries, transportation, and mobile learning. Tailored to your educational institution’s specific needs, these vehicles bring education directly to your community, making learning more accessible for everyone.

Food Services

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Round image with green outside circle of woman in orange apron working in food services trailer cutting bread.

Expand your culinary business. With TWR’s customized mobile kitchens, food trucks, and catering vehicles. With state-of-the-art facilities you can serve up delicious meals on the go, meeting customer demands and helping you reach new markets.

Pet Services

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Round image with green outside circle of small brown dog on vet table in pet services specialty vehicle.

Give pets the care they deserve. You can create a comfortable and convenient environment for pets and employees. What are you waiting for, custom design your own pet service vehicle the way you vision it. 

Marketing and Promotional

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Round image of interior of Humana mobile office specialty vehicle

Stand out from the competition. These eye-catching vehicles are tailored to your specific requirements, perfect for promotional events, road shows, and product launches. Leave a lasting impact and attract new customers with our customized designs.

Prison Transport

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Round image of interior of prisoner transport specialty vehicle

Ensure safety and security in prison transport. Our designs are fully customizable to meet the stringent requirements of law enforcement agencies, providing secure transportation solutions for prisoners.


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Round image of interior of outreach specialty vehicle

Make a difference in communities in need with TWR’s custom specialty vehicles for outreach programs and community services. Equipped with the necessary resources and facilities, these vehicles are customized to deliver essential services and support directly to those who need it most.

Contact Us

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Ready to bring your specialty vehicle dreams to life? Get in touch with us today to discuss your project. Our team is excited to hear from you and help turn your vision into reality.